CSGA Insurance
Included Insurance with your CSGA Membership
Members have Accidental Death & Dismemberment insurance automatically included as part of their annual dues.
You are covered for injury sustained as the result of an accident anywhere in the world ‑ 24 hours per day ‑ on or off the job.
Accidental Death & Dismemberment provides up to $25,000 in case of a loss of body part due to accident and a $25,000 benefit to your beneficiary or estate in case of death.
If you are injured and require medical treatment within 30 days of the accident, you could be eligible for Accidental Medical Reimbursement Benefits. This includes
the cost of an ambulance, semi-private hospital room, physiotherapy, prescription medication, splints, crutches, canes, braces, chiropractor, etc.
You should complete a Beneficiary Form if you wish the benefits to go to someone other than your estate in the event of your death. Keep this in mind when you there are major life events – marriage, birth of a child, etc.
Note: Accidents as a result of your participation in Professional Sports, Bodily Contact Sports, hang gliding, parachuting, skydiving, parasailing, bungee jumping, horse racing, underwater activities, motorized race or motorized speed contest, race or endurance contests are not covered.
If your membership fees are not up to date, this is not an option.
Optional Insurance with your CSGA Membership
As a CSGA member in good standing, additional optional coverage is also available to you.
This portion of the policy is optional for all members until they turn 65 and can be purchased for only $180 per year.
WAI covers loss of earnings due to injury from an accident. You may be paid up to 60% of your weekly insured earnings (from all work sources) to a maximum of $800 for up to 26 weeks. You could receive up to $20,800 in lost wages if you are unable to work due to injury.
You do not have to be at work or employed at the time of the injury.
There is a 21-day elimination period. This means you must be disabled for longer than 21 days for the WAI benefits to start. If you continue to be disabled, benefits will be paid for up to 26 weeks.
(WAI) 60% of earnings up to $800.00 a week.
Total Disability – payable on the 21st day for 26 weeks, must be gainfully employed and under age 65.
If you still have questions about WAI, have a look here for a more details.
If you are referred for an MRI, CAT or CT scan and the wait time is greater than 21 days, you can access this benefit for an expedited appointment. The Insurer will make the first available appointment than can be arranged within 21 days.
If your GP refers you to Specialist and the wait time is more than 21 days, the Insurer will make the first available appointment at the geographic location closest to you. There are 10 Specialist categories covered.
Important Note: As with all Member services, coverage is only valid if you remain a CSGA member in good standing.
Note This summary is for information purposes only. Please review the Benefit Summaries for further details and the Master Policy is available from the CSGA upon request.
Diagnostic & Specialist Access Insurance
(DSAI) This allows for insured members to have access and treatment within 3 weeks for MRI, CT scans etc for injuries.
Diagnostic & Specialist Access Insurance FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS
If you still have questions about DSAI, have a look here for a more details.
Claims & Further Information
If you need further information regarding your insurance coverage or need to start a claim, please contact:
Geoffrey Straight [email protected] or Maria Delaney [email protected]