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Ski Cutting Research Survey

May 14, 2019

Hello CSGA Members,  

See below to participate on a Research Survey about Ski Cutting, if you have a few minutes to contribute it would be much appreciated.

If you have anything you would like to share please send an email to: [email protected]  

Hope your are all enjoying the Spring so far !
CSGA Administration

Ski Cutting: A Research Survey
Ski cutting is a common practice for avalanche practitioners to test for unstable snow and to mitigate avalanche risk. It is also one that puts the practitioner in close proximity to avalanche hazard. For all its prevalence, ski cutting has rarely been the subject of academic study.

Bruce Jamieson and his fellow researchers have created a survey to gather information about North American practitioner experiences with ski cutting. The CAA encourages you to take the survey if applicable to you. We look forward to sharing this information with members when the survey analysis is complete.

Click here to participate: GO TO SURVEY