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The First Lisa Korthals Memorial Bursary Award has been decided !

July 2, 2019

The CSGA and the LKMB Committee is pleased to announce the first recipient of the Lisa Korthals Memorial Bursary.

The recipient for the 2018-2019 season is presented to Jessica Roy.

Jessica is a guide at Baldface Lodge in Nelson BC. She successfully completed her CSGI Level 2 certification in 2018 and is a current CSGA Member in good standing. More recently, she completed the ski touring module that was offered this Spring at Mt. Carlyle Lodge.

Jessica demonstrates a passion for the mountains which she happily shares with her group. In addition to her guiding skills, her hard skills were demonstrated at an above standard level, having the fastest transceiver and rope rescue times on the 2018 level 2 CSGI course.

In the Spirit of Lisa, the bursary committee looks forward to watching her grow as a guide in the mountains and mentor the women who come behind her.

We encourage all women involved in the CSGI stream of courses to apply for the bursary. More information can be found at

Congratulations Jessica !